Wednesday, November 24, 2010


24Nov10, 7am: Hot Yoga with Samrat Dasgupta

Here's to trying a new teacher...!!!! I wasn't happ
y with the last "new" teacher I tried and promptly went back to Michael Lau for a few classes. However, I really liked my class today. It was full, too, which isn't unusual, but not as common in the first class of the morning. He was articulate, and the class was challenging for me. I found myself sweating hard, but working up to that, and then able to calm down at the final Savasana. However, the sweating was profuse, such that while lying there in corpse, the droplets entering my ears challenged my focus to relax and release. I was aware of it though, as I am aware of how sleepy I feel now.

I know I didn't get enough sleep last night, but I still had so much energy and wanted to use it! I ate dinner quite late, and had been sleepy before leaving campus around 8:30 or 9pm. I'm going to pay attention to that and aim to keep my energy levels a bit more stable. The huge peaks and troughs in my energy levels don't aid my productivity, and while I'm on such a roll with my work and self-exploration, I'll take this opportunity to tweak my schedule a bit so I can continue to channel my energy to be productive and set and reach goals!

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