In my research and career, O2 is the key to life, but for me, right now, I think my body is asking for water. I used to be really good about getting in 3-4 litres per day! I had an orange Nalgene bottle, one of the ones pre-BPA discoveries, and it was like an extra appendage. I had it with me everywhere and always. I've since upgraded to stainless steel and glass water bottles, but I'm not as vigilant. My good water drinking days were also in Vancouver, home of the best-tasting, cleanest, and healthiest tap water in all of North America, maybe the world! I don't drink the tap water in Hong Kong, period. That means I'm going against my previous principles and actually purchasing less-regulated, plastic bottled, wasteful water. However, I have been good about filling all of my bottles at work where we get the gigantic jugs of water brought in for the office water coolers and at my gym where the fountains are filtered. Maybe instead of "taking something away" from myself, such as coffee, I can work on bringing something life-fulfilling back in. I'm seeing Goal #3 evolving here.
Goal #3: I am drinking at least 3 litres of water per day.
Speaking of goals, doing really well with Goal #1: I am trying one new fitness or yoga class or teacher per week. I am also doing either one yoga class or one fitness class/work-out of some sort per day. I'm making up for the days I missed while in Taiwan, but otherwise I've been keeping a daily schedule. I have also been really enjoying the new types of classes and experiences with different teachers.
I'm not doing very well with Goal #2: Over the next 3 months, I will have lost weight such that I am 7kg lighter. By this time, I am also enjoying that my waist to hip ratio is within the normal range for my body size. I'm having some major blockage with this goal... not sure... need to think about it...
This is the time when you tell yourself, hang in there and just be patient... maybe, just maybe you'll be surprised with the results! :) xox