Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rewording my goals

A wise woman... my wife... my inspiration for a lot of things in life... and I were having a conversation about goal-setting. She's been thinking a lot about this, setting many short-term and long-term goals for herself as of late. She mentioned how the wording of your goal can really influence how you work toward it and achieve it. There is something to putting the words in present tense... and I can really understand how that would make a difference. So, I'm taking this opportunity to reword my Goal #1...

Goal #1: During my time in Hong Kong, I am trying one new fitness or yoga class or teacher per week. I am also doing either one yoga class or one fitness class/work-out of some sort per day.

23Nov10, 7:15am: Bodypump class with Juan and then 20 min. cardio

I noticed my arms still look and feel strong... I really like that!

I am also currently very inspired by a friend's blog. There are a lot of incredible people on this planet. It's interesting how life's twists and turns has you encountering new kindred spirits, sometimes in a different light than before if you already knew them. I see it as an opportunity for me to learn more about myself, others, and the world we live in... each encounter is like a puzzle piece, something to strengthen or build a new part of yourself.


  1. I'm not surprised that your arms still look and feel strong!
    I'm really looking forward to joining you in your yoga classes. (maybe a fitness class... maybe) ;)

  2. Hey, where's my picture? Oh, there it is! ;)

  3. Jodi, You are an inspiration to me!

    I love what you are starting here and am so proud of you and your new adventures!

    Missing your lovely energy.
