Monday, November 22, 2010

Dancing eagle?

22Nov10, 7am: Hot Yoga with Michael Lau

See, I'm partial to one teacher now... but I still went and got in a really great work-out. I'm really happy with my dancer's pose, or
Nataraja-asana (see schematic to the right) but I have some work
to do with Eagle's pose (Garudasana... this image is NOT me... but someday it will be). It's strange how last night, my right sided Garudasana was really good... my left side usually isn't anyway, but this morning I was equally stiff and unable to wrap my foot around my leg. I'll pay attention to how I progress with that one.

On another note, I've
been thinking about the footwear in Hong Kong... there are three styles for women...

1. amazing, high-end designers like Minolo, Choo, etc.
2. Havianas flip-flops or the equivalent... usually worn by those that will eventually wear (1.) but between the yoga studio and the shower or by me all the time or by the maids and nannies from Sri Lanka and the Philippines
3. Sketchers Shape-ups... with nice outfits... wtf? Do they really work? I wouldn't go there regardless, but what is the rationale here? They are often worn with really amazing outfits too... the stark contrast makes me laugh. Furthermore, just because they come in a sneaker AND a plain black sandal, doesn't make it ok to wear them. I don't think they work. I've never tried them, but the pure biomechanics behind the idea is flawed. I'm putting a message out to the world today... stop wearing them! They are ugly and you are wasting your money!

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh! =D I hate those Skechers shoes, too. Blech!
